
  1. K

    NROTC Acceptance & Scholarship Questions

    I am applying to the Naval Academy, Airforce Academy, Coast Guard Academy, and Merchant Marine Academy. However, I recently was awarded a scholarship that pays full tuition at Notre Dame valued at $240,000 ($60,000 a year in tuition). At this point, I have guaranteed admission to Notre Dame with...
  2. S

    ROTC Application

    Currently in the process of looking into schools and their NROTC programs. I've got a (hopefully) simple question here that may sound silly, but I wish to make sure that I don't get trapped in anything if that makes sense. Can I apply to a school's ROTC program even if I haven't enrolled in the...
  3. P

    Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets V Texas A&M Corps of Cadet

    I am a service academy applicant for the class of 2027. I had a quick question in regards to the SMC's. In the case that the service academy option does not work out, as a backup option I am considering Texas A&M and Virginia Tech amongst other SMC's because of the corps of cadet programs...
  4. FØB Zero

    Transferring to State School (AROTC)

    Hey y'all, I have been very blessed to recieve a 4 year national scholarship for AROTC at a public Ivy. I am now a sophomore (2nd year) and am struggling academically after trying everything. I am concerned it will negatively and severely affect my OML points for commissioning. Money is tight...
  5. B

    ROTC Board Selection - Make a Difference?

    Hi, I am just starting my application for ROTC scholarship. (ARMY) I understand there are three different deadlines (Board Selections), and that the first one is October 7th. I actually don't know if I'm able to complete my entire app/interview before that, but I might be able too. I heard that...
  6. I

    Eczema Question

    Hello, I am starting AFROTC this year, I know that I had eczema on my medical record after the age of 12. When I'm in the process of getting a medical waiver do I need to send in all my medical records all the way back from when I was born? I'm asking because I am having issues getting some...
  7. K

    Graduate School Directly After College/NROTC

    I am interested in attending graduate school (with interests in pursuing either a MPP, MPA, or MGA) right after I complete my undergraduate studies and receive my commission from NROTC. I want to know what are the possibilities of the Navy allowing me to do this, and what the commonality of...
  8. T

    4-year Scholarship Contracting

    I'm a rising sophomore with a 4-year Scholarship, but I wasn't able to medically qualify with DoDMERB my freshman year, so I had to pay the full tuition cost. However, I'm ready to contract at the start of this coming semester. Will I still receive the benefits from my scholarship for my first...
  9. E

    Am I too old?

    I’m 23 years old. I dropped out of college when I had an incredible scholarship (Stupid I know) I’ve since started a career in sales, a very successful one I might add, but I absolutely hate it. I make great money, but I would much prefer to get back in school, as a much more responsible adult...
  10. FØB Zero

    Active Duty VS Reserves after graduation

    Hi! I’m an MS1 ROTC cadet who is contracted with a 4 year scholarship. I have looked into the differences between AD vs Reserves a little bit but would love to have y’all’s input and help explaining it a bit more. 1. What does being in the reserves look like right after commissioning? Like do...
  11. L

    AFROTC Major when up for boards

    When applying for an AFROTC Scholarship, I noticed how if your major was not a tech major, you would put “0GYY” or “General Studies” while all the tech majors had indentifiers making your major obvious. My question is if this still applies when going for the FT board or the rated board once...
  12. N

    Yale/Harvard ROTC

    I am AROTC scholarship recipient. I originally wanted to do AROTC at MIT, but was deferred/rejected. I have recently been waitlisted at Yale and Harvard and was wondering if anyone knew much about their ROTC offices (both cross town) and if there's anything that can be done to help with the...
  13. W

    Ranger Challenge--Worth it in the Long Run?

    Hey, everyone, MS1 Army ROTC cadet here. Just wanted to ask if Ranger Challenge is worth it in the long run. I did it this past year, and thought it was extremely overhyped and frankly not that hard. Certainly not worth taking almost a full week off of school. I go to a school with a very small...
  14. M

    Disenrolled from ROTC for undesired character, can I still commission? What are my options?

    Thanks all for stopping by team. Before I get into specifics (I wont go too in depth to protect my identity), I want to say I completely and royally messed up. It is my fault I was disenrolled, they were my actions, no-one else's. Simply posting this to see what my options are, and to get some...
  15. Ant345

    Can the PMS with which I did the interview see my schools of preference?

    Hi everyone, I just completed my interview and it went extremely well. My only worry is that by having done the PMS interview in my 2nd favorite school, when the PMS will upload the interview he might notice that their school is my 2nd choice and change his mind. Is this the case? My second...
  16. Ant345

    Which college do you suggest?

    Which college do you suggest? Hi everyone, I applied to these colleges and I was wondering which one do you suggest: 1) NORWICH UNIVERSITY 2) THE CITADEL 3) HAWAII PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 4) UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT 5) CAL STATE UNIV LONG BEACH Hawaii looks very appealing but the school is very...
  17. Ant345

    Status changed to Interviewee

    Hi everyone, today I received the happy news and my status changed from Pending (because of my SAT score) to Interviewee, and my "Waiver" section became empty, so apparently they granted me a waiver. I am very happy of this news, just out of curiosity how good of a sign is this? What...
  18. M

    Army ROTC | CST OPFOR, considering it. Thoughts or experiences ?

    I’m a sophomore and prior service 11B in the guard. I am not contracted because I am not an MS2 yet, I started school spring semester of freshman year instead of fall like everyone else. Obviously being uncontracted and a 1 doesn’t leave much room for schools and summer training opportunities...
  19. L

    Effect of Letters from Coaches

    I was wondering if anyone could speak to the impact that letters from coaches and other faculty have in the waiver process. I was just DQ'd for asthma past the 13th birthday and started the waiver process for Army ROTC. I have been very active in several sports, (especially endurance sports)...
  20. Ant345

    ROTC scholarship test scores waiver

    If my SAT score is right below 1000 (970) is it possible to request a waiver or I am automatically disqualified? Especially if all the rest of my application is very strong?