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  • USMA_Hero_Mom_2024

    Look at when this poster joined and look at the content of the 19 (now 20) posts that have been proffered. Something doesn’t seem right....Fliegler83 was on line when I sent him this same PM, but is now off. I have also sent to Stealth81
    My latest post says awaiting approval before it can viewed publicly. Is that because I edited the post due to a spelling error?
    Can you comment on the US Naval Academy Honor Board? It's for academic violation (cheating). The mid said "no cheating" "not guilty" the accuser said, "must be cheating". What happens if it just he said and she said. Both are honorable people and both expressing the truth in what they believed. What's the penalty other than expulsion? Thanks.
    I hope everyone is in good spirits. By chance can you please delete my posting. I'm new to the forum and didn't know the forum was more for officer commissioning programs. I tried deleting it myself, but realized it couldn't be done. I also wouldn't want to compromise any chance of getting in the military. Someone finding out my identity could be the end of a career that hasn't even started. Thanks
    hope I am not overstepping my authority, or lack there of, by making this request?
    Thanks for any help you can provide.
    Mitty (sorry for 3 messages, I wanted to break the 420 character rule)
    I didn't think it was my place to question the enthusiasm of the posters, however, I have received a PM asking to resolve this confusion. I was hoping either you or another moderator wouldn't mind writing a short statement regarding the purpose of the list that can be posted at the top of the list itself...or some other solution.
    Hi NavyHoops. You are my first step to solving what appears to be a very minor problem. Since the passing of MurfTheSurf I have tried to help keep the 2021 Appointment List up to date when necessary. Lately there have been a few postings that appear to not be in keeping with the "Appointment" requirement for the list.
    to be continued..
    Silly question... DS is a 4/C MIDN in NROTC who just received appointment to USNA. Will he be expected to attend CORTRAMID before I-Day?
    I understand that there are no published minimums or even averages
    for the USNA CFA, but I was wondering if you had any rough estimates for the mile run time and flexed are hang for females? Perhaps there are relatively "low" scores you have seen accepted? these two things are what I am most worried about on my application so I am looking for a little bit of guidance. Thanks in advance!
    Thank you very much for your response and I was wondering if you had any tips for Nom interviews. Also would you recommend attempting to set up a meeting with the nomination board prior to the interview? Thanks a lot and have a good day!
    Use the search function and look back through the Nom thread. Tons of information about what candidates were asked, what to wear, etc. I would never tell a candidate what to do or not do. It's your call to ask that question. I actually would be a little disgruntled if the board gave out my contact info to a candidate. You could ask the composition and see how it goes from there.
    Hi my DD received CGAS offer during EA. Today we received the NROTC scholarship. I have read the stories about injuries before BCT and during. This is my fear. Do plan B's include NROTC scholarship with Prep offers? Should I be setting up a what if possibilities?
    I read your posts regarding walk ons for football, but most of posts in those threads dealt with trying out for a skill position (QB/LB/RB/)I punt the ball, and was wondering what the chances are for specialists? Also, would you know when tryout is? I've also been in contact with the offshore sailing coaches, and am interested in that program. What could you tell me about them? Thanks!
    I just saw this. Sorry. Tryouts will be Plebe Summer. Also, look at sprint football. If you meet the weight requirements it's a good option.
    How do I PM you NavyHoops. Son took Navy foundation prep over Army. It was not his decision as the final costs became our deciding factor. Basically Navy But prep school is covering 95% of the cost and we only about 5%. Army would have been around 33% of our cost. We took the decision out of his hands. How do we explain it to him. He loves both schools.
    Do you have 10 posts yet? I can wait to respond until you get 10 or respond here.
    Congrats on the Moderator position! Hopefully, everyone will keep their tempers in check and you can just collect those accolades. :)

    Always enjoy your posts!
    Hey NavyHoops,
    Thanks for the advice on getting a congressional nomination.
    I was wondering if you could give me some tips or point me toward a good personal essay example. I'm pretty good at writing but I've never done a personal essay for a collage or school so I really don't know what they're asking for.
    Thanks again for the help!
    Use google or search this forum. A few folks in the past have posted their essays. Don't recommend you post yours as folks can copy and past it. The biggest thing is to follow the instructions exactly, be on time with it, spell check and have good grammar. Some essays will be why do you want to go to a SA, others might be to describe a certain situation such a adversity, leadership, etc.
    Just wondering if you ever played against Kelsey Minato... She seems like the real deal.
    I agree and realize that my statement could be viewed as disrespectful of their abilities which was not my intention, and apologize.
    Didn't take it like that at all, no worries. I think there is sort of a general feeling from the big sports; football and men's basketball that a lot of the athletes were not highly recruited at the D1 level. That is true in many ways as it is more publicized in the media. I think it takes a very unique woman to go to a SA. So I think the female athletes are slightly different than the men's in some ways.
    Not always the case, but many times the women I knew were very smart, very driven, and looking for something different than the normal college experience. The SA provide that.
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