My decision

Today is my “cake day” on these forums (one year since I’ve joined) and I would like to celebrate by sharing some wonderful news. I have been very fortunate to receive appointments from USNA, USMA, and USAFA. It is an absolute privilege and dream come true for my family and I, especially considering I had zero clue about the academies and application process a year ago. These forums have been a great help to me navigating my nomination, ROTC, and academy applications. They say it takes a village and it truly does, I will forever be indebted to my family, friends, teachers, and members of Congress who have helped me along the way.

With all this being said, I am glad to share that I will be accepting my USNA appointment to the class of 2028! It was certainly a hard decision between my three appointments, and one that was made even harder when I visited UT Austin this week (man I love that school). Through speaking with my family and grads, I realized that attending an academy is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and one that I have worked very hard for. I also feel that I will benefit from being in an environment where I am surrounded by hundreds of like minded individuals, who love the grind and are willing to get after it in and out of the classroom.

With ROTC ruled out for me, now came the good to have but difficult problem to choosing between USAFA, USNA, and USMA. I think you should always choose based on the branch as opposed to the academy itself and I like to think I did that! Between the three branches, I would enjoy a career in the Navy more; the jobs are more interesting, and they’re highly focused on STEM which will transfer well to the civilian world if I choose to leave AD. With the Air Force, I wasn’t as interested in the officer jobs available, and the same goes with the Army. Really what only kept West Point in the running for me was the prestige, but I suppose USNA is just as prestigious.

Anyways I guess this is all a really long explanation for something which most of you probably saw coming lol. Thank you to everyone here and I look forward to getting after it with my fellow ‘28ers for the next 4 years.

Go do yard work. It will build character highly conducive to functioning optimally as an officer in the military. Oh, congrats on the decision. See you at Army Navy.
Congratulations smokey% 🤗 I hope you thrive at the Yard and do superb. You sound like a very solid appointee and will make the most of the privilege you are given.