Devil Doc
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  • Hello @Devil Doc . My sophomore HS son in Northern Virginia is super interested in attending gut is that the odds are against his getting in given grades and potential SAT score. Possible for you to game it out with me? Thank you for your consideration.
    Devil Doc
    Devil Doc
    I'll be happy to talk with you about your son, VMI, and grades/SAT, etc. Once you've been a member for a week and have put up five posts we can DM each other.
    "'Give me a regiment of brig-rats, and I'll lick the world.'
    For it is most especially a Marine sentiment, and when analyzed, it turns out to be not shameless or shocking, but merely this: a man who lands in the brig is apt to be a man of bold spirit and independent mind, who must occasionally rebel against the harsh and unrelenting discipline of the camp."
    - Robert Leckie Helmet for My Pillow
    Hi Devil Doc,
    I didn't mean to leave you with the impression that I was a "dirtbag". I was a bit too snide in my response, but I felt as though there was someone asking a sincere question, and he (or she) got a blistering and uncalled for response.
    I just thought your attacks were somewhat personal, angry, and violent, and added rancor to a discussion that could have been a learning experience.
    Hi there. I hope I'm doing this right but I wanted to say I didn't mean to imply anything with respect to your advice. It was ON POINT. I am grateful to ask this questions and get all the feedback. Any advice or thoughts - I would be so very appreciative.
    Devil Doc
    Devil Doc
    I reached out to a medical department officer who said this:

    Yes they have multiple providers at Brigade Medical who have received training and enrolled in the registry to allow them to prescribe Accutane. One of the PAs I talked to said they have a fair number of people on it.
    Thank you very much. I will certainly try to encourage her to first call or go by, if possible, to get an appointment and see what's what to start the process.
    Devil Doc
    Devil Doc
    Sounds good
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