Service Academy with highest % grads posting overseas?

Georgia Hokie

Dec 21, 2022
DD and I were discussing this in general terms last night and fairly sure answer is Army or Navy....but throwing it out there. We've lived abroad for 6-7 years of her life so she knows a bit of what she asks...but says she wants to "be based abroad for first 3-5 years of career" and has heavily circled USNA as top choice due to careers available and variety of base locations/ports. She is also seriously looking at USAFA and has been out there a few times...her concern is "getting stuck at a base in Montana". (as knock on the beautiful state of MT!)

Have scoured internet and this forum and can't find any ballpark breakdown of % of grads with initial posting overseas versus domestic. Does anyone have any rough guess as to % breakdowns of where non-pilot grads first stops are?
For USNA, it depends on what service branch you go into IIRC.

I only know for certain that if she chooses the Marine Corp, her first year will be in Quantico for TBS. Everything else will be determined on what role and job you get!
There isn't any hard fast numbers that are available to give you a idea of what % of SA get aboard in that time frame of service. It is dependent on what community and MOS you go for. USNA she would pretty much have to go SWO to have a chance at overseas for the 1st year for sure. All other branches are going to be a year of schooling or more in the states. There might be some unrestricted line opportunities that might go overseas faster in the first year, but not sure which ones.
As I'm sure you already know, your DD's focus should be on the missions of the different branches and their available MOS/Billets.

As a general proposition, the Army has the broadest footprint with the largest number of MOS's. My DS commissioned (AROTC) when there was a significantly larger US presence in the ME. His goal, which he achieved, was to have his first duty station overseas. He also managed to have his second duty station overseas as well.

Since then, which was not that long ago, things have changed. The US ME presence depends more on the Navy and Air Force and less on the Army, whose presence has increased in Central/ Eastern Europe. The South China Sea/Pacific Rim has for several years, going back to the Obama Administration, been an ever increasing focus of the US National Security strategy.

Before trying to determine the geopolitical landscape in 2028, it would be nice to know who'll be president starting in 2025. The two leading candidates couldn't be more different in their rhetoric concerning US military presence overseas.

Wish her the best of luck!
DD and I were discussing this in general terms last night and fairly sure answer is Army or Navy....but throwing it out there. We've lived abroad for 6-7 years of her life so she knows a bit of what she asks...but says she wants to "be based abroad for first 3-5 years of career" and has heavily circled USNA as top choice due to careers available and variety of base locations/ports. She is also seriously looking at USAFA and has been out there a few times...her concern is "getting stuck at a base in Montana". (as knock on the beautiful state of MT!)

Have scoured internet and this forum and can't find any ballpark breakdown of % of grads with initial posting overseas versus domestic. Does anyone have any rough guess as to % breakdowns of where non-pilot grads first stops are?
If she wants to go overseas and goes Navy, if she service selects SWO, she'll get to pick her first ship. She can pick one forward deployed in Japan or Spain. Both are great experiences!
If she wants to go overseas and goes Navy, if she service selects SWO, she'll get to pick her first ship. She can pick one forward deployed in Japan or Spain. Both are great experiences!
That's her lean...SWO or Subs. Of course she's still a Junior so cart is being put 100m ahead of the horse! Was a curiosity we were discussing as it's a bit more of a roll of the dice with other SAs. Thanks for the feeback!
That's her lean...SWO or Subs. Of course she's still a Junior so cart is being put 100m ahead of the horse! Was a curiosity we were discussing as it's a bit more of a roll of the dice with other SAs. Thanks for the feeback!
Have her pull up the Youtube videos from USNA's ship selection night in years past. It's fun to see the kids pick their first ship. There is a nice tradition also where the mid who picks the first ship from Japan (Yokosuka and Sasebo) gets presented with a samurai sword!

Best wishes for her. This is her most important high school year!