Reapplying from the fleet


Univ. Freshman | PA | USNA/USCGA 2029 Reapplicant
Feb 2, 2023

I was just placed on the waitlist for the USCGA class of 2028, as a current high school senior. While I'm holding out for an offer in May or June, I'm basing my plans off the assumption that I won't make it off the waitlist (even if I do, I'll have a very short time period to deal with the waiver process).

If I enlist in the USCG and intend to reapply from the fleet, would it be possible to reapply for the Academy while in A-School, or would I need to be serving at a cutter/station? Do prior-enlisted cadets tend to receive an appointment earlier or later in their enlistment contracts, if either?

For the record, I'm aware that there are no guarantees when attempting to reapply from the enlisted side. I've decided that I'd rather serve a full enlistment contract, get somewhat financially stable, and use my GI Bill afterwards than accrue debt by attending civilian college right after HS.
Applying to the academy all comes down to your commanding officer from what I've heard. Certainly being in a land base will make it easier to complete your application.

I highly recommend you talk to your AO and find out where you were weak relative to students who got appointments. And at least consider the possibility of a year of "self prep" at MMI or GMC. Or whatever your AO recommends.
I agree with @Northwoods regarding talking to your AO. You’re on the waitlist which means you’re a completely qualified, strong candidate who they’d happily take if you check the boxes they may need to fill this cycle.

They love reapplicants too, so applying after a year of college or self prep would likely yield a good result.

I know you stated not wanting to incur any student debt and just moving on to enlisting. I can understand that, but being this close, it may be well worth simply taking classes at a local community college, and depending on financial aid it may not cost too much. Then make another run next year.

Your AO can offer the best advice, but if you really want to attend the academy, I’d be worried that once you enlist, it may be more of an uphill battle. It obviously happens, but there aren’t many prior enlisted in any given class and I’m sure it’s super competitive, and you need to hope your chain of command is supportive of it. With recruiting numbers being down, it’s hard to tell what you may be up against.

Anyway, best of luck this cycle, and stay joined at the hip with your AO!
Your AO can offer the best advice, but if you really want to attend the academy, I’d be worried that once you enlist, it may be more of an uphill battle. It obviously happens, but there aren’t many prior enlisted in any given class and I’m sure it’s super competitive, and you need to hope your chain of command is supportive of it. With recruiting numbers being down, it’s hard to tell what you may be up against.
Agree with this. There's no indication what your app looks like, but depending on what parts are strong or weak you might be far better server by heading to college and putting up good grades for a year rather than enlisting and hoping you are in circumstances where your CO will push your app rather than try to keep you around the unit. Talk to your AO to find out what's good about your app, what needs some love and what path looks straightest to reaching the academy.