Allergy Waiver Questions


New Member
Apr 8, 2021
Hello everybody, I am new to this forum but have seen a number of helpful posts about allergies and waivers. I have a question about waivers for a DQ due to a tree nut allergy and an astigmatism in excess of 3.00 diopters. A bit of context: I am a three year AROTC winner and a waiver was requested on my behalf by the AROTC waiver authority about three weeks ago. In terms of the astigmatism, I wear glasses that correct to 20/20 but I also play varsity and club sports without glasses. For the allergy, my blood test shows a tree nut allergy but I have only had a reaction to walnuts and the reaction was a mild stomachache and some throat itchiness. But to be cautious, my doctor prescribed an EpiPen even though I have never had a severe reaction. My doctor wrote a letter about my history and saying that I was low risk of a serious reaction. My question is what is required to waive the DQ. Should I send in the letter from my doctor and who should I send it to? How can I show them that I don’t have a serious allergic reaction? Should I have my doctor do an oral challenge or should I wait to be contacted and find out what is needed? Finally, is there anything I should do about the glasses?
Q = My question is what is required to waive the DQ. Should I send in the letter from my doctor and who should I send it to? How can I show them that I don’t have a serious allergic reaction? Should I have my doctor do an oral challenge or should I wait to be contacted and find out what is needed? Finally, is there anything I should do about the glasses?

A = Google "DoDMERB;" Hit "questions on the process;" Read paragraphs 15 -19:wiggle:
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