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  • Good afternoon,

    I applied for OCS for 1520, I am currently enlisted, but I was wondering what a competitive package looks like. I have seen others in the designator I’m applying for and after comparing I know I stand out, but it is difficult to gauge where I would actually stand.
    I have the required degree, BS in Arronautics, 3.85 GPA,3 LORs from all CAPT, and 4 appraisals from 1 O8, 2 CAPt, and one CDR.

    Thank you.
    Sadly 1520 is far from my expertise. I put a lot of people into the Navy via OCS, but never a 1520 because frequently, like yourself -- they're already in uniform. On the surface, you sound highly competitive. Sounds like you exceed the PA requirements and assuming you have strong EP/MP evals, I don't think there's much else you can do. You can't control the quotas, which is what this really comes down to.
    I was wondering in your experience what a competitive OCS aviation contract package consisted of in terms of ATSB scores, college GPA, etc? I recently was disenrolled from AFROTC as a senior pilot select due to a failed pulmonary function test on my flight physical. I retested with a pulmonologist and got several other tests done that prove I don't have COPD but the AF flight docs refused to review my case.
    Sorry to hear about the disenrollment. While I can't address the medical side, I know back in 2013-2015 >50 on the OAR and 6-7 on the three ASTB aviation scores was solid. GPA was >3.2 STEM, >3.4 non-STEM. These days the recruiting market is tougher, so I suspect the competitive level is a bit lower for all of those. Of course, there's more to it than just numbers but that's the short and sweet.
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