Kings Point Rugby


New Member
Apr 24, 2024
Hello Parents and Prospective Plebe Candidates,

I am 2/C Midshipman Jake Yates, President of the Kings Point Rugby Football Club. I am posting today to hope to introduce the idea of playing rugby to you (Plebe Candidate) or your son.

The club takes all skill levels, and no rugby experience is required. If someone comes out once to practice and does not like it, there is no pressure to come back. However, the team has a plethora of experienced rugby players, some of which have played for five or more years and a coach who has coached D1 rugby at Penn State, to teach the game of rugby to newcomers. The team gives students a chance to travel off campus to play in games (e.g. Princeton, Marist, Westpoint, and other colleges), to form a tight camaraderie with their new teammates (team dinners most nights, practice, and pizza nights on Fridays), to offer a support network (older players often tutor younger players and give them sea year advice), to release stress at games and practices, and just generally improve your son's Kings Point experience. Games are also on weekends to avoid academic conflicts!

The team is competitive, but all get a chance to play. The starting squad of 15 will play the main games, but every regular season game usually features a second B side game for newer players. The team competes nationally at the National Collegiate Rugby Small College level. The main regular season is in the fall and consists of about 5-7 games. There is a conference playoffs and then a national playoffs which consists of a trip to Virginia and then Texas, if we advance that far. Our team last year got a chance to play in a Wild Card game in the Division 2 (a higher division than now) playoffs against the University of Vermont.

The team is well funded by alumni and the athletics department. The team has their own grass field, storage unit, has a hitting sled, hitting bags, and multiple sets of jerseys, so the team is very similar to a Kings Point Varsity sport.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to reach out to me, my email is Hope to see some of you plebes at practice next year! The first practice time and date will be well published around campus at the start of the next school year. IMG_3817.jpeg
Cmakin, there is a group on Facebook called Kings Point Rugby Alumni, if you'd like to keep in touch
Hmm. Thanks. At least living in Houston, we have a pro team, with a purpose built stadium just ten minutes from my house. So spoiled. . . .
Being on the Rugby Club was one of the things that really helped me get through KP.
My kid also credited Rugby with being a big help in getting through KP. He told me it was a pretty fun and 'tight knit' group.
It was a great counterpart to the regimental and academic pressures. Two seasons a year, too.
Yup.. I heard it was a great way to 'lift the safeties' and blow off some steam.. My kid used to refer to it as a 'drinking team' with a Rugby problem.. 🍻
Yup.. I heard it was a great way to 'lift the safeties' and blow off some steam.. My kid used to refer to it as a 'drinking team' with a Rugby problem.. 🍻
Hehehe. One of the reasons I played was also to get into shape. . . well, I did get into pretty good shape, but didn't lose any weight. Must have been the beer. . . .