How screwed am I?


USNA '28 ⚓ | USMA & USAFA ‘28 Appointee
Mar 30, 2023
This first marking period has been pretty rough for me grades-wise. I'm taking 2 of the hardest AP classes my school offers, AP Calculus AB, and AP Physics C: Mechanics. I ended the first MP with a C+ and B in both classes respectively. Thus far in high school I have had good grades, I have a 3.97 UW GPA and finished all of my classes with an least an A except for one B+ (still a bit sore about that). Obviously that C+ is not good. I really struggled the first half of the marking period in AP Calculus but I really found my stride in the second half and I got a 96% on the last test which I was super pumped about, and I feel that I did pretty well on the first test of the second marking period. I am optimistic that I can do well and maintain a B/A in AP Calc from here on out but I am really worried about how that C+ will look, especially since I have an LoA. I would hate to lose my conditional appointment because of my grades and I really am trying my hardest to get good grades, I even got a tutor.

Is it wraps for me or am I stressing for no big reason?
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You won’t lose an LOA over a C+. Unless USNA specially asks, you do not need to supply 7th semester grades. Keep at it. Secure your nom, complete any other requirements needed for your LOA, and enjoy senior year.
They ask for 8th semester grades I assume?
This first marking period has been pretty rough for me grades-wise. I'm taking 2 of the hardest AP classes my school offers, AP Calculus AB, and AP Physics C: Mechanics. I ended the first MP with a C+ and B in both classes respectively. Thus far in high school I have had good grades, I have a 3.97 UW GPA and finished all of my classes with an least an A except for one B+ (still a bit sore about that). Obviously that C+ is not good. I really struggled the first half of the marking period in AP Calculus but I really found my stride in the second half and I got a 96% on the last test which I was super pumped about, and I feel that I did pretty well on the first test of the second marking period. I am optimistic that I can do well and maintain a B/A in AP Calc from here on out but I am really worried about how that C+ will look, especially since I have an LoA. I would hate to lose my conditional appointment because of my grades and I really am trying my hardest to get good grades, I even got a tutor.

Is it wraps for me or am I stressing for no big reason?
I have never seen USNA look at marking period grades. They look at grades for completed courses which can be semester grades for colleges and (usually) full year grades for High School.
They ask for 8th semester grades I assume?

Are the semester grades calculated from two quarterly grades (such as average of 1st and 2nd quarter) ? In our area, quarterly grades are only on report cards not on transcripts. That means your quarterly C+ grade will not be shown anywhere outside of your school.

During DS MOC nomination interview --- he was asked for his recent quarterly grades ---- he was rather surprised though
Are the semester grades calculated from two quarterly grades (such as average of 1st and 2nd quarter) ? In our area, quarterly grades are only on report cards not on transcripts. That means your quarterly C+ grade will not be shown anywhere outside of your school.

During DS MOC nomination interview --- he was asked for his recent quarterly grades ---- he was rather surprised though
Yes, they are calculated from the two quarterly grades. However, since most of the courses I take run the whole school year, our final grade is calculated from four quarterly grades.
Yes, they are calculated from the two quarterly grades. However, since most of the courses I take run the whole school year, our final grade is calculated from four quarterly grades.
in our area -- a whole year course such as Calculus BC will be split two semester Calculus BC (A) and Calculus BC (B) The final grades are still semesters. Anyway, you have a chance to smooth this C+ out
^ Listen to Hoops.

Not a whole lot you can do about it at this point, so don't worry about it. Do try to pull the grade up next marking period, a C might not hurt but it doesn't help. However, from a practical perspective -with an LOA they are unlikely to ask for 7th Semester grades, and even more unlikely to withdraw an Offer of Appointment for AP Calculus ..a lot of people struggle with Calculus until the light bulb pops on.
Trust in @NavyHoops, who said no one’s offer of appointment is revoked for a single wayward grade. More importantly, look further down the road. Once at USNA, you’ll be required to take three semesters of calculus, two of chemistry, and two of physics. So make sure you don’t coast through the rest of high school. Finish strong so that you bring to USNA a solid STEM foundation (with calculus at the center of it). Otherwise, you may find an already arduous plebe year turning into a terrible slog.
Trust in @NavyHoops, who said no one’s offer of appointment is revoked for a single wayward grade. More importantly, look further down the road. Once at USNA, you’ll be required to take three semesters of calculus, two of chemistry, and two of physics. So make sure you don’t coast through the rest of high school. Finish strong so that you bring to USNA a solid STEM foundation (with calculus at the center of it). Otherwise, you may find an already arduous plebe year turning into a terrible slog.
Absolutely. That's why I'm taking AP Calclus and AP Physics; to build a strong STEM foundation. I took Honors Calc last year and got an A, and now that we are getting into the crux of the actual calculus material in AP Calc I am finding the class easier than before because it is familiar stuff.
This first marking period has been pretty rough for me grades-wise. I'm taking 2 of the hardest AP classes my school offers, AP Calculus AB, and AP Physics C: Mechanics. I ended the first MP with a C+ and B in both classes respectively. Thus far in high school I have had good grades, I have a 3.97 UW GPA and finished all of my classes with an least an A except for one B+ (still a bit sore about that). Obviously that C+ is not good. I really struggled the first half of the marking period in AP Calculus but I really found my stride in the second half and I got a 96% on the last test which I was super pumped about, and I feel that I did pretty well on the first test of the second marking period. I am optimistic that I can do well and maintain a B/A in AP Calc from here on out but I am really worried about how that C+ will look, especially since I have an LoA. I would hate to lose my conditional appointment because of my grades and I really am trying my hardest to get good grades, I even got a tutor.

Is it wraps for me or am I stressing for no big reason?

I don't know if it's the same for Service Academies, but my school counselor always says, "No F's, no D's, no felonies," in her speeches about avoiding senioritis. I'd imagine some schools might question if all your grades dropped significantly, but a C+ in AP Calc that's brought up in subsequent quarters shouldn't look that bad anywhere.

Also, if you need extra help, don't forget that Khan Academy and Professor Leonard (on YouTube) exist and are free. Although you might have to search through Professor Leonard's videos a bit to find what you're looking for because he doesn't specifically do AP classes.

Hang in there, you got this!
I don't know if it's the same for Service Academies, but my school counselor always says, "No F's, no D's, no felonies," in her speeches about avoiding senioritis. I'd imagine some schools might question if all your grades dropped significantly, but a C+ in AP Calc that's brought up in subsequent quarters shouldn't look that bad anywhere.

Also, if you need extra help, don't forget that Khan Academy and Professor Leonard (on YouTube) exist and are free. Although you might have to search through Professor Leonard's videos a bit to find what you're looking for because he doesn't specifically do AP classes.

Hang in there, you got this!
Thank you! I am certainly in a ferocious battle against senioritis haha
Thank you! I am certainly in a ferocious battle against senioritis haha
A couple points:

The second you feel like you might have trouble with a concept, see if you can schedule a one-on-one session with your teacher. Not only can your questions get answered directly and without the pressure of other students or getting through the lecture, you show your teacher you care. Teachers want to help the students who demonstrate an interest in what they teach. Plus, they will sometimes give you nuggets about the quizzes/tests (this type of problem will be on the test *wink*).

My AP US Gov teacher told me something that I think reins true: your 8th semester in high school is a pretty good barometer in how your first semester of college will go. Why? You don't really have a vested interest in grades anymore. College applications are finished. You might have already gotten into your Plan A. You can bust your butt or coast and make it to the same place: graduation. It becomes a matter of discipline and drive at that point. Your parents will still likely involve themselves a bit, but what happens when you take your parents out of the equation and you can easily skip class without consequences (except at USNA)?

USNA provides a lot of motherhood so your chain of command will know how you are doing academically. Get used to being able to ask for help early and often. Most people who come into USNA are usually those who excel at most things. Some have never asked for help. Just about every MIDN has gone to extra instruction (EI) or a class put on by tutors at the Academic Center of Excellence. Help is aplenty at USNA and those who do well take advantage of it.
A couple points:

The second you feel like you might have trouble with a concept, see if you can schedule a one-on-one session with your teacher. Not only can your questions get answered directly and without the pressure of other students or getting through the lecture, you show your teacher you care. Teachers want to help the students who demonstrate an interest in what they teach. Plus, they will sometimes give you nuggets about the quizzes/tests (this type of problem will be on the test *wink*).

My AP US Gov teacher told me something that I think reins true: your 8th semester in high school is a pretty good barometer in how your first semester of college will go. Why? You don't really have a vested interest in grades anymore. College applications are finished. You might have already gotten into your Plan A. You can bust your butt or coast and make it to the same place: graduation. It becomes a matter of discipline and drive at that point. Your parents will still likely involve themselves a bit, but what happens when you take your parents out of the equation and you can easily skip class without consequences (except at USNA)?

USNA provides a lot of motherhood so your chain of command will know how you are doing academically. Get used to being able to ask for help early and often. Most people who come into USNA are usually those who excel at most things. Some have never asked for help. Just about every MIDN has gone to extra instruction (EI) or a class put on by tutors at the Academic Center of Excellence. Help is aplenty at USNA and those who do well take advantage of it.
For sure I definitely agree. I was big on getting after school help from my teachers my junior and sophomore year and am trying to build a similar positive relationship this year.
Thank you! I am certainly in a ferocious battle against senioritis haha

I'm counting on a healthy dose of grade anxiety to get through. That and competing with my archnemesis (who is actually a very good friend) for class ranking.

There's plenty of time to get senioritis after you graduate and before I-Day, as long as you stay in shape lol.
They never asked for my senior grades or my final transcripts. You’re in the clear academically if you have an LOA, assuming you don’t fail any classes
Thank you! I am certainly in a ferocious battle against senioritis haha
I'm not picking on you here - more of picking on the common concept of senioritis. You should
kick it to the curb NOW and stop playing into it. You want to go to a service academy and while
once there you might think that they treat you like a child, the reality is far from it. Just because
you're nearing the end does not mean that the job is done and your job (right now) is high school.

When you're on in the hospital for surgery, you want the instruments to be clean and properly
maintained even if the techs assigned to that are a few days from retirement and want to ease
off on their job.

When you're a military pilot and pick up your flight gear and parachute, imagine if the maintainer
assigned to the task has already been selected for promotion, is a few days from transfer and
just wants to slack off a bit.

You're applying for a VERY adult job as a military officer. Time to put aside the childish idea
of "senioritis". Don't say that you're battling it. . . it should not even be in your thoughts.
This first marking period has been pretty rough for me grades-wise. I'm taking 2 of the hardest AP classes my school offers, AP Calculus AB, and AP Physics C: Mechanics. I ended the first MP with a C+ and B in both classes respectively. Thus far in high school I have had good grades, I have a 3.97 UW GPA and finished all of my classes with an least an A except for one B+ (still a bit sore about that). Obviously that C+ is not good. I really struggled the first half of the marking period in AP Calculus but I really found my stride in the second half and I got a 96% on the last test which I was super pumped about, and I feel that I did pretty well on the first test of the second marking period. I am optimistic that I can do well and maintain a B/A in AP Calc from here on out but I am really worried about how that C+ will look, especially since I have an LoA. I would hate to lose my conditional appointment because of my grades and I really am trying my hardest to get good grades, I even got a tutor.

Is it wraps for me or am I stressing for no big reason?
I am in a similar position here. I am taking the same classes as you, with a C+ in AP Calc AB and an A in AP Physics C Mechanics. The Calc teacher at my school is notoriously tough (20-year navy submarine commander) and math has always been difficult for me. However, I have always done well in "Science" classes at my school getting a 99.4% for the year in AP Chemistry and winning a special prize from my school for it. I think that's why I'm doing much better in Physics. No LOA yet but fingers crossed.