Decrease mile time from 6:32 to 6:00?


Sep 26, 2021
I'm at a 6:32 mile as per the title and have been working towards a 6-minute flat mile for over a year now. I've been doing a certain regiment but I've noticed myself burning out and plateauing so I'm trying to restructure my workout plan as I approach my CFA date and try to fine-tune my mile time. Has anyone had a similar experience with this and is willing to share some advice?

was wondering if this is a good program to start following, please let me know any thoughts.
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I got this program from a very high level strength and conditioning coach at Ohio State. It is very simple and effective. 3 workouts a week. 1 long run (40ish minutes) should be a light pace(8-9minute miles), just getting volume. 1 max effort mile. 1 interval workout (jog 0.75 mile, sprint 0.25 mile) repeat 3x. I would be shocked if your run time doesn’t improve.
I got this program from a very high level strength and conditioning coach at Ohio State. It is very simple and effective. 3 workouts a week. 1 long run (40ish minutes) should be a light pace(8-9minute miles), just getting volume. 1 max effort mile. 1 interval workout (jog 0.75 mile, sprint 0.25 mile) repeat 3x. I would be shocked if your run time doesn’t improve.
Do you mind sharing what time you were at before and after using this program? Thank you
I started out around 7:15 and got down to 5:52 for my CFA. Granted, I also lost about 5 pounds. But it does work.
I would do it with a day in between each run sessions such as : Mon, Wed, Fri so that you’re getting the most of each workout. Make sure to get a good warmup (jog half a mile) and you’ll be set!
I got this program from a very high level strength and conditioning coach at Ohio State. It is very simple and effective. 3 workouts a week. 1 long run (40ish minutes) should be a light pace(8-9minute miles), just getting volume. 1 max effort mile. 1 interval workout (jog 0.75 mile, sprint 0.25 mile) repeat 3x. I would be shocked if your run time doesn’t improve.
For the interval, how much rest time should I take in between miles (I assume the jog .75 and sprint 0.25 are back to back)? And how fast should the jog be, around 8-9 min pace?
No rest. You complete one and onto the next. It should be quicker than an easy jog but not quite a hard run yet (probably a 7:30-8:30 pace)
I got this program from a very high level strength and conditioning coach at Ohio State. It is very simple and effective. 3 workouts a week. 1 long run (40ish minutes) should be a light pace(8-9minute miles), just getting volume. 1 max effort mile. 1 interval workout (jog 0.75 mile, sprint 0.25 mile) repeat 3x. I would be shocked if your run time doesn’t improve.
does order matter? I'm thinking of doing max mile on Tuesday, interval on Thursday, long run on saturday.
As long as you’re recovering adequately and doing each run every week, order doesn’t matter. Good luck! Keep me updated
I do my max for 1 or 2 miles almost every day, and am generally improving by a few seconds every run. I am at 5:50 for a mile and 12:45 for two miles vs a couple weeks ago 6:30 for a mile and over 14:00 for 2 miles.
Certain bodies will never go faster than a certain time due to size and weight and VO2 MAX. You will get your best gains once you start intense training, but usually plateau after a few months. Knew lots of good runners who trained hard, but were never going Sub 4 due to how they were built.
That's really fast! At least you're not struggling to get under 9:00 like I am. I was told this is too slow and probably disqualifying.