Is the ROTC unit at your selected colleges made aware of your medical clearance status immediately upon a DQ (and waiver request?)


Jan 18, 2024
Let's say you get a NROTC or AROTC scholarship at the Oct or Jan boards but don't initially pass the DoDMERB (and request a waiver--anticipating that you will get one).
Is the ROTC unit at your selected colleges made aware of your DQ medical clearance status immediately?
Will this effect if they'll speak to admissions on your behalf?
DODMERB is a clearing house that each program pulls from, N/AROTC in your example. If DQ’ed, each waiver authority, N/AROTC in your example, decides if they will issue a waiver, or not. In order to activate your scholarship, you will need to be medically qualified, or have a waiver issued on your behalf.

This can take time. Every year there are students having to deal with the college and payment as they await the outcome. And every year, there are scholarships not activated because of a medical DQ, that’s not/cannot be waived.

I’m not sure what you mean about ‘speaking to admissions on your behalf’. It’s hit or miss as far as the relationship between a college and its ROTC programs. There isn’t a standard ‘you will get in, if you have a ROTC scholarship’. It’s up to the applicant to gain admission. And why it’s recommended to have a ’sure thing’ as one of your listed schools when you apply.
The unit will know about the medical DQ, and they will likely assist you in submitting the right paperwork, offering advice, etc. to help you through the waiver process

They are not going to speak negatively to admissions if an applicant has a medical problem. Sounds like a HIPAA violation