Pulmonary Function Test Dilemma


New Member
Apr 25, 2024
I was accepted into USAFA and have to get medically cleared before I can attend. I was disqualified for a history of asthma, so I had to complete some additional testing, including a pre and post-bronchodilator pulmonary function test and consultation with a pulmonologist. The next appointment DoDMERB's suggest place had is May 1st, commitment day for most colleges. Because of the long wait, I scheduled another through my provider and got the results back. I'm unsure if the data on my most recent test is disqualifying or if the data will be taken into account with greater context. I haven't had asthma symptoms since shortly after my 13th birthday which triggered my disqualification. Along with the following data sent in the "written interpretation", I also have access to the raw data sheets if that helps understand my case more. The USAFA has submitted a waiver request already for my disqualifications and this is the remedial. It is my first choice for school and I will fight any disqualifications until I-Day.

  1. Does DoDMERB have a specific value for a PFT that is a straight no, or is it a case by case basis?
  2. Should I submit these values or, with a better understanding of this test, retake it in a week?
  3. Should I maybe ask the doctor to write the interpretation in the lens of military service and whether or not my history with asthma has a notable impact on my ability to serve?
If anyone can explain or help me understand the process itself, advise on steps, or give helpful tips, please let me know! I have all of May to sort this out and would like to know for sure where I will go to college, and whether or not it will be at USAFA.

FVC: 5.16( 93 % predicted)
FEV1: 3.65( 77 % predicted)
FEV1/FVC: 71
FEF25-75%: reduced
Flow Volume Loop:
MEFV Curve: slight concaving
MIFV Curve: normal
Diffusion Capacity: 42.94(123 % predicted)
Bronchodilator Response: noneLung Volume:
TLC: 6.96 (96 % predicted)
RV: 1.94 (125 % predicted)
FRC: 3.53 (97 % predicted)
Mild obstruction
No significant bronchodilator response.
The lack of a bronchodilator response on pulmonary function testing should not preclude their use if clinically indicated.
Elevated RV consistent with air-trapping
Normal diffusion capacity
Results consistent with chronic asthma and/or COPD.

Clinical correlations required.