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    Pilot Slots

    Hi, my DS is applying to the USNA. He's not set on his major yet but knows he wants to also be a pilot. What percentage of pilot applicants get a slot and what would be some reasons why someone would not get a pilot slot?
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    Pilot Slots

    Hi, my DS is applying to the USAFA. He's not set on his major yet but knows he wants to also be a pilot. What percentage of pilot applicants get a slot and what would be some reasons why someone would not get a pilot slot?
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    Teacher Evaluations / LOR

    Thank you! He read the Pre-Candidate instruction booklet and was just promoted to Candidate status for AFA. I'll mention that one to him too. :)
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    Teacher Evaluations / LOR

    Thank you for that, he is attending the USNA SS and West Point SLE. I know they do the CFA at WP and I think they do at USNA SS as well. Not sure if those are "practice" or if they count toward his application but he's been practicing the CFA since his Sophomore year. He's obsessed lol
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    Teacher Evaluations / LOR

    Thank you!! He's taking the reigns but I'm his support system so I plan to help guide him as much as I'm needed. This whole process is a beast, I'm 47yrs old and would want someone in my corner helping me if it were me going through it LOL
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    Teacher Evaluations / LOR

    Hi, my DS is applying to the USAF for 2029 class. On the website it states he will need 3 Teacher Evaluations and 2 optional Letters of Recommendation. Are the Teacher Evaluations the same thing as a Letter of Recommendation or will they be sending the teachers a link to fill out some sort of...
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    Appointment question

    Very interesting info. This whole process is a roller coaster ride I’m just beginning. It’s almost like a “yes” may not really mean a yes and a “no” sometimes changes to a yes. I’m sure the selection process is insane for the Academies. Can I ask how competitive your district is? Do you know...
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    Appointment question

    Ah this clears up a lot. So, with the person above (AggieMom), her DS got a Principal nom, but looks like he got a TD today. According to your definition above shouldn't he have gotten an appointment??
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    Appointment question

    Hi, may I ask what TD stands for and also does a Principal Nom mean that your DS won his slate for MOC nomination? Thank you - newby trying to get up to speed for DS starting the process.
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    Leadership Experience suggestions

    I would love to get a list of suggestions for leadership experience that my DS can work toward so that he can put these on his application. I feel like he has some limited leadership experience but maybe he needs more? All suggestions welcome, thank you :)
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    Letter of recommendation advice

    Great question actually bc I was thinking the same question 😂
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    May I ask what NWP is?
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    Letter of recommendation advice

    I'm assuming he would need to ask for multiple copies of these recommendation letters to have on hand for each Senator, US Congressman, SA and ROTC applications?
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    Is double majoring a possibility in the AFA?

    My son is beginning the application process for AFA. His current goal is to double major in Physics and Astronautical Engineering but we are hearing that no one double majors at the AFA and that's not really even a thing. Can anyone provide feedback on if that is a viable option? He could...
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    Medical Record MixUp for Current Cadet

    Are you required to provide your past medical records if you intend to become a pilot?
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    2024 Summer Seminar

    My DS still has not heard about his status for NASS. I'm assuming an email would be sent out stating he was not accepted to NASS, correct?
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    Congressional Nom question

    My DS has completed his PCQ. He has several items on his Resume to complete such as attending Boy's State, West Point SLE, Governor's Page program as well as a Mission Trip to Honduras - all will be completed by July. Should he wait until these are all completed before submitting his...
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    PreCandidate Questionnaire

    Is the candidate kit what comes after submitting the PCQ? My son already submitted his PCQ would the candidate kit come before July or are they all sent at that time?
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    USAFA Summer Seminar

    My DS hasn't heard yet. Anxiously waiting with fingers, eyes and toes crossed lol