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  1. B

    Issue with starting Application-Already completed Preliminary

    I successfully submitted my application to NASS, which means I already completed my preliminary application. When I visited the USNA website and click on "Admissions" it says that applications are open for C/O 2029. Then it takes me straight to a preliminary application, which I'm not supposed...
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    Mistake on PCQ

    On the PCQ I didn't know my class size so I estimated 400. Turns out my class size is only 270. Does this matter and is there a way to fix it?
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    Tips for improving resume

    Currently a Junior, what are some things I could do to improve my resume heading into grade 12? Captain of Debate Team and Law club, Varsity tennis, Mountaineering (Mt. Raineer summited), skiing, Have taken 7 AP's so far, will do 5 more next year, 4.0 unweighted, haven't taken SAT, volunteer at...
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    Jag as second option

    I am interested in flying for the Navy, but would like to be a JAG as a second option. Can I do that through USNA, ROTC, or OCS? Or is that not possible. Thanks.
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    Hello, I am currently a U.S. citizen, Brazilian citizen, and European citizen. If I go to USNA, do I have to ditch them?