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  1. N

    Kid said there is a rumor that USNA Marine selects may have to sign for 8 years ......

    All officer commissions require a minimum eight-year service commitment. The mix of AD+SELRES+IRR is service policy and can change at any time (and can even be retroactively changed, as was the case in the Navy). Everyone signs for 8 when they sign for commissioning. The 3 years of reserve...
  2. N

    1/C cruise Norfolk

    If government meals are directed, he is expected to eat in the galley. Reimbursement also depends on the orders. Any cost outside of what is authorized in the orders is on him. Read the orders every time, they might be different than last time. What's in writing is what goes. Save all receipts...
  3. N

    If 82% of the Plebe Class flunked Calculus II this Spring Quarter...

    Some civilian professors don't get the whole deal. The mission of USNA, what developing officers means, the requirements levied upon MIDN outside of the classroom. Those professors tend not to last very long at USNA, but unfortunate MIDN will have to deal with them. It's very often not the...
  4. N

    To validate or not to validate

    I took 3 humanities classes the whole time. 1 semester of English, Naval History, and Asia and the Modern World. I hated the non-major courses and wanted to take as many major electives as possible. Helped with service assignment too. I've said this before, but the USNA validation page on the...
  5. N

    The Filipino Mafia

    I guess it must be because I haven't done my division officer ride yet. I think that comes later on in the career pipeline. Nothing like that exists. Don't ask about it. Don't talk about it. Just understand the process.
  6. N

    The Filipino Mafia

    The what now? That's not a real thing.
  7. N

    Navy Crypto Through ROTC

    Cyber is in the name for CWE but think of it as more software/capability development and program management/acquisition than cyberspace operations. CWE is to MCWO as Surface EDO and AEDO is to SWO and Aviator. The Navy hasn't been great at making up clear and consistent names for some of these...
  8. N

    Navy Crypto Through ROTC

    This is not true. Cryptologic warfare is here to stay. Navy cyber has undergone some recent changes. Until recently (about six months ago), Navy cyber roles were split between the Information Professional and Cryptologic Warfare communities. Last fall the Maritime Cyber Warfare Officer...
  9. N

    A discussion about submariners 🐬 ⚓️

    Minimum service obligation is currently 5 AD + 1 SELRES + 2 IRR. All officers must serve no less than 6 years of active duty or SELRES service and no less than 8 years total (i.e. OCS would be 4 AD + 2 SELRES + 2 IRR). If you leave active duty before 8 years you must accept a reserve commission...
  10. N

    Uniform Doesn't Fit

    You could just buy a set of SDBs (or likely, just a jacket), he'll get to wear them for four years.
  11. N

    KP Mids Sea Yr vs Annapolis Mids Summer Cruise

    I think warriors with mariner skills is kind of the target here. Commercial industry or whatnot might scoff at it, but the Navy has also had the opportunity lately to demonstrate that we are still good at what we were originally chartered to do--protect commercial shipping from direct attack...
  12. N

    KP Mids Sea Yr vs Annapolis Mids Summer Cruise

    SWOS has been back for the better part of a decade. It was up and running at the time of this article's publication. In this case I think the author just had not kept up with the news. There's a decent pipeline and go/no-go milestones for JOs to POCR out at different points. A better problem to...
  13. N

    I successfully sent nearly 100 individuals to Navy OCS/ODS -- AMA

    Nope, whoever was manning the chat feature was wrong. Plenty of PAs that allow for up to 42, especially since BDCP targets a lot of IW communities. Age waivers are also possible depending on the circumstances. Your degree would still be considered STEM, but some communities prefer specific...
  14. N

    Navy promotion idea

    Yeah, that's been my point, there's nothing stopping the Navy from promoting everyone on first day of the fiscal year other than not paying a chunk of officers at the next paygrade. It's definitely not a seniority thing, I don't think we've cared about date of rank determining seniority for a...
  15. N

    Navy promotion idea

    Navy divides out 15% the first month (ends up being merit reorders and the most senior above zone selects), 3% each month until September, 55% in September. If you do good enough you skip the line (merit reorder).
  16. N

    Navy promotion idea

    Can vary significantly depending on the community. 10-12 is about normal for URL. IW (except Intel, they're closer to URL) makes O-4s at around 7-9 years. The Navy also does a neat thing where you select for promotion but then don't promote until the end of the next fiscal year so there's just...
  17. N

    Navy promotion idea

    I'm more a fan of just adding incentive pay rather than accelerated promotions. Some are just not ready at 6-7 years for the responsibility of O-4. That's a minesweeper CO, detachment OIC, small shore station OIC, XO of a cruiser, XO of an SSN, etc. Pushing people into those positions when they...
  18. N

    Application timeline question

    Submit as soon as possible. No rush, but don't sit on anything. Plenty of good reasons to delay (as listed above) and plenty of bad reasons to delay. CFA is pass/fail--if you pass, you pass, no need to do another one. You don't need to keep grinding prep work until you max all events. For...
  19. N

    New Dant Announced

    There was a Special Operations Warfare officer community prior to the establishment of the EOD Officer community; they are now EOD officers. SWO on my ship bought the wrong pin for a dining in one time and we gave him crap for days. SDVTs and SBTs are still led by SEAL officers. IIRC CAPT Clark...
  20. N

    Question about most important AP classes during senior year

    That's very unusual--what's the point of taking AP classes if you have transferrable college credit from the CC courses? I certainly wouldn't stop at precalculus for math. AP Physics might not be as important to take as Calc, but I would take some kind of calculus, even if it's not AP.